
about us

Established in 1965, Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten is a community owned centre proudly affiliated with The Gowrie (Lady Gowrie) operating as our CGB (Central Governing Body).

Kids playing at Dalby Beck Street Kindy

The program run at Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten focuses solely on “Kindy” aged children (those turning four (4) by 30 June in the year of attendance). Your child will be with the same group of friends in each session they attend, allowing them to develop social skills and to form bonds with other children their age.

We have one teaching unit catering for two groups of “Kindy” aged children. The Bilbie’s group attends Kindergarten each Tuesday and Wednesday and the Possum’s group attends Kindergarten each Thursday and Friday. Both groups attend Kindergarten during the school term from 8.15am to 3.45pm on their allocated days. Our capacity in each group is 22 students, making a total enrolment of 44 children. Each group is run by our specialist Early Childhood Teacher (minimum qualification four year university degree) and a specialist Teaching Assistant (minimum qualification Certificate III in Childcare).

Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten is a community Kindergarten funded by State Government grants, fees and funds raised by the parent body each year.

The Centre is managed by a committee elected by the members (current families) of Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten Association Inc. The Committee operates under a constitution. This Committee is elected annually and needs the interest and support of all families. Families can help by attending the meetings and by actively participating in the Centre’s maintenance rosters, social events and fundraising activities. Meetings of the elected Committee are held at least once a term at a time agreed upon by the committee.

The Kindergarten continues to meet the high standard set by Lady Gowrie Community Kindergartens who provide management advice, facilitate our funding and educational consultancy in the form of seminars and an early educational and care consultant.  We follow the framework set out by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority (ACECQA) and adhere to the National Quality Standards.

Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten Association Inc. has Service Approval from the Department of Education and Training under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulation 2011. The Centre must meet their requirements about activities, experience and program, ratios of staff to children and staff member’s qualifications according to the legislation. The contact telephone number for the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care is (07) 3634 0532.

Kids on playground Beck St Kindy

The program run at Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten focuses solely on “Kindy” aged children (those turning four (4) by 30 June in the year of attendance).  Your child will be with the same group of friends in each session they attend, allowing them to develop social skills and to form bonds with other children their age.

We have one teaching unit catering for two groups of “Kindy” aged children. The Bilbie’s group attends Kindergarten each Tuesday and Wednesday and the Possum’s group attends Kindergarten each Thursday and Friday. Both groups attend Kindergarten during the school term from 8.15am to 3.45pm on their allocated days. Our capacity in each group is 22 students, making a total enrolment of 44 children. Each group is run by our specialist Early Childhood Teacher (minimum qualification four year university degree) and a specialist Teaching Assistant (minimum qualification Certificate III in Childcare).

Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten is a community Kindergarten funded by State Government grants, attendance fees and funds raised by the parent body each year.

The Centre is managed by a committee elected by the members (current families) of Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten Association Inc. The Committee operates under a constitution. This Committee is elected annually and needs the interest and support of all families. Families can help by attending the meetings and by actively participating in the Centre’s maintenance rosters, social events and fundraising activities. Meetings of the elected Committee are held at least once a term at a time agreed upon by the Committee.

The Kindergarten continues to meet the high standard set by Lady Gowrie Community Kindergartens who provide management advice, facilitate our funding and provide educational consultancy in the form of seminars and an early educational and care consultant.  We follow the framework set out by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority (ACECQA) and adhere to the National Quality Standards.

Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten Association Inc. has Service Approval from the Department of Education and Training under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 and the Education and Care Services National Regulation 2011. The Centre must meet their requirements about activities, experience and program, ratios of staff to children and staff member’s qualifications according to the legislation. The contact telephone number for the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care is (07) 3634 0532.

our centre philosophy

Our child-centred emergent curriculum offers free selection of resources focusing on play in both indoor and outdoor learning environments.

At Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten we believe:

Our centre goals

At Dalby Beck Street Kindergarten, our curriculum incorporates a wide variety of learning experiences which:

our educational aim

The educational aim of the kindergarten program is to move a child from toddler activities to the level of development needed for school. Guided play activities are used to form a bridge between home experience and school. Great care is taken to ensure balanced development in physical and social/emotional skills as well as intellectual areas, as this provides a sound basis for the child’s later schooling and personal adjustment.

The children are encouraged to: